The Philadelphia Negro: A Social Study
As one of his crucial early works of social science, Du Bois' The Philadelphia Negro (TPN) provided an in-depth sociological analysis and interpretation of African American urban life. In addition, Isabel Eaton conducted the research leading to the "Special Report on Negro Domestic Service In the Seventh Ward, Philadelphia" that was published as part of the book.
This page is organized into sections containing links to online resources that pertain to:
This page is organized into sections containing links to online resources that pertain to:
* Internet-available copies of The Philadelphia Negro in various formats;
* Du Bois (while) in Philadelphia, including items on his time there as well as his related activities;
* summaries of, and reading guides for, the book;
* book reviews, comments, and notices by contemporaries;
* contemporary secondary sources from Du Bois's era that refer to the book or his related work, directly or indirectly;
* later secondary sources that refer to TPN directly or indirectly; and
* related works with a bearing on some topic or issue raised in The Philadelphia Negro.
—Robert W. Williams, Ph.D. [Bio]
LATEST LINK (For 1 December 2023)
Related Secondary Source
Posted below is an external link to a pre-print version of "A People's History of Leisure Studies: Old Knowledge, New Knowledge and The Philadelphia Negro as a Foundational Text." It was written by Rasul Mowatt, Myron Floyd, and Kevin Hylton for the International Journal of the Sociology of Leisure, v.1 (2018): pp.55-73.


Note: The 1899 edition was published with a "Preface" by Du Bois and an "Introduction" by Samuel McCune Lindsay -- both of which were not included in either the 1967 Schocken or the 1996 University of Pennsylvania imprints of the book. Du Bois' "Preface" provided a sketch of how the book fit into his overall research agenda. McCune's "Introduction" gave details of the goals and motivations that led to the research project that became The Philadelphia Negro. [Title page] [Preface] [Introduction] [Start page] [catalog page] [Download page] [Start page]

NOTE: Over the course of early December 2013 I tried repeatedly to connect to the Digital Library of India, but was not able to access either the site or the TPN page. [Start page]
[Click on the "High Bandwidth Reader" link, because the other link opens a different book.]
[No Du Bois "Preface" and no McCune "Introduction"]
[Note: The above URL for Dr. Ridener's DSS page has replaced the now defunct <>]


Please note that only the metadata description can be searched (not the items themselves). More information is available at my intra-site About page.

First Colored "Fellow" Appointed.
PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 29.—Dr. W. E. Dubois, colored, who was graduated from Harvard College several years ago, and who studied in the German universities, has been appointed to a Fellowship in Sociology at the University of Pennsylvania. He is the first one of his race to hold such a position in this university. He will be on assistant to Dr. Samuel Lindsay in sociology. Dr. Dubois will not be considered a member of the Faculty, and will not lecture at college. His work will be among the colored population of Philadelphia. He will make a house-to-house investigation of the colored settlements, giving to the university authorities the results of his observations.
PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 29.—Dr. W. E. Dubois, colored, who was graduated from Harvard College several years ago, and who studied in the German universities, has been appointed to a Fellowship in Sociology at the University of Pennsylvania. He is the first one of his race to hold such a position in this university. He will be on assistant to Dr. Samuel Lindsay in sociology. Dr. Dubois will not be considered a member of the Faculty, and will not lecture at college. His work will be among the colored population of Philadelphia. He will make a house-to-house investigation of the colored settlements, giving to the university authorities the results of his observations.
Robert Williams' Notes: The double quotation marks around ' Fellow ' in the title are presented here as printed in the original text. Also, DuBois's name did not have an uppercase 'B' in the original text.
[Downloadable as a PDF file (~22 KB)]

The American Missionary also contained short notices of Du Bois's participation at the annual meeting. We read that the Wednesday evening session included as speakers "Rev. O. Faduma, of North Carolina, and W. E. B. DuBois, of Pennsylvania, both representing the Negro." [p.264]. Elsewhere we read that the speaker "W. E. B. DuBois, Ph. D. [is] of Philadelphia" [p.292].
Someone anonymously and briefly summarized Du Bois' speech in a section entitled "Field Workers":
"Dr. DuBois read a scholarly paper treating of the social condition of the Negro. He reviewed the great national upheaval in the interests of his people and outlined the problems consequent therefrom. The present he viewed as the critical period in the development of the Negro." [p.292]

The following quotation briefly describes The Philadelphia Negro and how DuBois utilized the library's materials for his research. The full text of the piece—designated as item 201 (as located on pp.269-270)—is presented here verbatim and in its entirety:
201 WILLIAM E. BURGHARDT DU BOIS The Philadelphia Negro A Social Study. Philadelphia: Published for the University, Ginn &: Co., Selling Agents, Boston, 1899
An Afro-American intellectual, Harvard's first Negro Ph.D., and a teacher in
Southern Black colleges, Du Bois brought a unique perspective to American
scholarship. He had worked under George Santayana and William James at
Harvard, and was strongly influenced by Charles Booth and Beatrice Webb,
British activists who sought to understand and alleviate the condition of the urban poor. In 1896, while an assistant in sociology at the University of Pennsylvania, Du Bois and his young wife moved into the Seventh Ward, which ran from Spruce to South streets and from Seventh Street to the Schuylkill River, the historic center of the local Black settlement.
Assisted by workers from the nearby College Settlement House, he charted the neighborhood and surveyed the population, investigating occupations, health, population statistics, the family, education, crime, religion, social life and interracial relations. "l determined to put science into sociology," he wrote of The Philadelphia Negro; "I was going to study the facts, any and all facts . . . and by measurement and comparison, and research, work up to any generalizations which I could."
Du Bois' study marshalled facts contradicting the prevailing racist assumptions. He depicted the Philadelphia Negro community in all its diversity. He had no anti-historical bias, and so used 18th and early 19th-century material that had been largely ignored. And, according to his bibliography, he foundimportant resources in the Library Company, as have students of the Afro-American experience ever since. Our copy of the rare first edition was given us by the University of Pennsylvania shortly after it was published.

Assisted by workers from the nearby College Settlement House, he charted the neighborhood and surveyed the population, investigating occupations, health, population statistics, the family, education, crime, religion, social life and interracial relations. "l determined to put science into sociology," he wrote of The Philadelphia Negro; "I was going to study the facts, any and all facts . . . and by measurement and comparison, and research, work up to any generalizations which I could."
Du Bois' study marshalled facts contradicting the prevailing racist assumptions. He depicted the Philadelphia Negro community in all its diversity. He had no anti-historical bias, and so used 18th and early 19th-century material that had been largely ignored. And, according to his bibliography, he foundimportant resources in the Library Company, as have students of the Afro-American experience ever since. Our copy of the rare first edition was given us by the University of Pennsylvania shortly after it was published.
Robert Williams's Note: Excluded here is a facsimile of the title page of The Philadelphia Negro that was displayed on p.270.,M1

African American scholar, educator, and activist. A founder of the NAACP. From 1896-1897, he lived in the College Settlement House at 617 Carver (now Rodman) Street while collecting data for his classic study, published in 1899, The Philadelphia Negro.

Rebecca Cooper appears to have been a student of Dr. Charlene Mires, an Associate Professor of History at Villanova University [faculty page]. Also note that no date of creation or online posting is listed on the web page. Perhaps "W.E.B. DuBois in Philadelphia" was the product of the "Historical Tour Assignment", which was a requirement for Dr. Mires' class, "History of Philadelphia" [Dr. Mires' courses].

The documentary examined Philadelphia and the Seventh Ward during the 1890s when Du Bois conducted the research that resulted in his The Philadelphia Negro. Among those interviewed were Dr. Elijah Anderson, Mr. Jimmy Calnan, Ms. Veronica Hodges, the Hon. Michael Nutter, and Dr. Tukufu Zuberi. They are professors, a public official, and Philadelphians associated with the Seventh Ward. Interviewees discussed Du Bois and the significance of his research on African Americans, as well as the relevance of a DuBoisian approach to studying race in contemporary America. Calnan and Hodges provided insights into the Seventh Ward as they pertained to those who once lived there and those who currently live there now.
[Link added for 8-1-22]

In stressing circumstance and contingency, Du Bois demonstrated structural inequities of which many whites were largely unaware, in the process leveling a powerful rejoinder to then prevalent arguments that used race theory, evolutionary science, and scriptural interpretation to justify discrimination. Du Bois hoped this work would be supplemented by similar studies of other cities, yet what began as a local study came, by default, to stand for all of urban Black America. Most of Du Bois’s methods lay dormant, re-emerging only in the 1920s—in Chicago again, with the rise of the Chicago School of Sociology. A fair hearing for his forthright and formidable conclusions, meanwhile, waited longer still. Du Bois’s study has enjoyed a renaissance in contemporary scholars’ investigations of poverty, race, and political economy, and The Philadelphia Negro continues to inform readers with its poignant representation of one of the great forgotten communities in modern American history, whose vitality, diversity, and challenges still linger in its pages.

SUMMARIES & GUIDES FOR THE PHILADELPHIA NEGRO . ./segment.cfm?segment=1787 . ./segment.cfm?segment=1910


DUBOIS (W. E. B.) and EATON (ISABEL). The Philadelphia Negro: a Social Study. With Introduction by Professor G. M. Lindsay. Boston: Ginn & Co. 8vo. $2 00.
[This interesting study is published for the University of Pennsylvania, under whose auspices the enquiry was made. It describes the whole range of the economic and social life of the American city negro [sic], as seen in Philadelphia,—employment, wages, social life, pauperism, and crime. Professor Dubois,[sic] himself partly of negro [sic] blood, is known as the author of a standard history of the Suppression of the African Slave Trade.]

The Philadelphia Negro. A Social Study. By W. E. Burghardt DuBois, Ph.D. Together with a special report on domestic service, by Isabel Eaton, A.M. Publications of the University of Pennsylvania; Series in Political Economy and Public Law. Philadelphia, published for the University, 1899---8vo, pp. xx, 520.
The Future of the American Negro. By Booker T. Washington. Boston, Small, Maynard & Co., 1899---16mo, pp. x, 244.
The first of these works is not merely a credit to its author and to the race of which he is a member; it is a credit to American scholarship, and a distinct and valuable addition to the world's stock of knowledge concerning an important and obscure theme. It is the sort of book of which we have too few, and of which it is impossible that one should have too many. That the "negro problem" is among the gravest and most involved, and difficult, of American life, is increasingly obvious; it ought by this time to be equally obvious that we can derive no considerable help toward its solution from the sentimental or prejudiced writings which abound, both north and south, on the subject. Here is an inquiry, covering a specific field and a considerable period of time, and prosecuted with candor, thoroughness, and critical judgment, its results being interpreted with intelligence and sympathy. We have no space to report or discuss the contents of the work, but we have long held that it is in monographs like this that we shall be likely to find the most trustworthy help in solving our great racial problem. If a similar study could be made in a score of cities, in various parts of the country, and in particular rural districts of the south, a basis of accurate and detailed knowledge concerning the condition of the race would be laid, on which conclusion could safely be founded.
Mr. Washington's work is not that of a scholar, but of a shrewd, sane and tactful leader of the people and administrator of affairs. He knows both races, and both sections of the country, and seeks to be a mediator between extreme opinions and programs. His book is a contribution, not to knowledge, but to that good temper and good sense which is perhaps of equal importance.
W. F. B.
Robert Williams's Note 1: "Negro" is not capitalized in the original text. Moreover, we might wonder about Du Bois's reaction to the tone of the review, which -- although laudatory of Du Bois' efforts -- did not fully escape a patronizing tenor.
R.W.'s Note 2: It can be observed that W.F. Blackman seemed to be in agreement with the research agenda that Du Bois had written about in his "Preface" to the 1899 edition ofThe Philadelphia Negro (TPN). With reference to TPN and his recent "Negroes of Farmville, Virginia" study [info], Du Bois wrote in TPN's Preface:
R.W.'s Note 2: It can be observed that W.F. Blackman seemed to be in agreement with the research agenda that Du Bois had written about in his "Preface" to the 1899 edition of
It is my earnest desire to pursue this particular form of study far enough to constitute a fair basis of induction as to the present condition of the American Negro. If, for instance, Boston in the East, Chicago and perhaps Kansas City in the West, and Atlanta, New Orleans and Galveston in the South, were studied in a similar way, we should have a trustworthy picture of Negro city life. Add to this an inquiry into similarly selected country districts, and certainly our knowledge of the Negro would be greatly increased. The department of history and economics of Atlanta University, where I am now situated, is pursuing certain lines of inquiry in this general direction. I hope that funds may be put at our disposal for this larger and more complete scheme.
Finally, let me add that I trust that this study with all its errors and shortcomings will at least serve to emphasize the fact that the Negro problems are problems of human beings; that they cannot be explained away by fantastic theories, ungrounded assumptions or metaphysical subtleties. They present a field which the student must enter seriously, and cultivate carefully and honestly. And until he has prepared the ground by intelligent and discriminating research, the labors of philanthropist and statesman must continue to be, to a large extent, barren and unfruitful.
R.W.'s Note 3: Washington's The Future of the American Negro can be downloaded in several formats at the Internet Archive [here].
Finally, let me add that I trust that this study with all its errors and shortcomings will at least serve to emphasize the fact that the Negro problems are problems of human beings; that they cannot be explained away by fantastic theories, ungrounded assumptions or metaphysical subtleties. They present a field which the student must enter seriously, and cultivate carefully and honestly. And until he has prepared the ground by intelligent and discriminating research, the labors of philanthropist and statesman must continue to be, to a large extent, barren and unfruitful.

Very much of current discussion of the negro problem is wide of the mark because it is based on fragmentary observations and inadequate materials. There is great need of systematic and thorough local studies of the conditions of life under which colored people live in our great cities. A model for such studies is found in the brilliant essay of a colored student and teacher who has won distinction by his writings. Professor W. E. B. Du Bois has collected a vast amount of information in relation to the Philadelphia negro, his history, domestic relations, education, occupations, health, organized associations, crime, pauperism, social consideration and opportunities, and political outlook. Miss Isabel Eaton, fellow of the College Settlements' Association, has added a valuable report on the domestic service of the colored people. When similar local studies are made, as they ought to be made, in other cities, and in rural communities, the general plan of this investigation will be found very useful.
Robert Williams's Note: "Negro" is not capitalized in the original text.,M1


Dr. W. E. Dubois, colored, [sic] is the first one of his race to be appointed to a fellowship in the University of Pennsylvania. He will be an assistant to Dr. Lindsay in his work in sociology, but will not be considered a member of the faculty, and will not lecture at the college. His work will consist of house to house investigations among the colored [sic] settlements, and the University authorities will receive the results of his investigations. Dr. Dubois was graduated from Harvard College several years ago, and he has studied in the German Universities.

The manner in which the Negroes are shut out from employment is a large part of the explanation why many of them do not get on better. The question may fairly be asked, How can they be expected to get on, if they are not allowed to work like other people? The whites, as we all know, have a large percentage of failures, when every avenue of occupation is opened to them.
Jenkins discussed The Philadelphia Negro, citing some of the demographic data contained therein. He also wrote:
A very strong presentation, though perfectly calm and dispassionate, is made in regard to this subject of Negro employment in northern cities by a Report, which has taken the form and bulk of a large volume, entitled "The Philadelphia Negro: a Social Study." The author is W. E. B. DuBois, Ph. D., himself one of the colored race. He was sometime an Assistant in the University of Pennsylvania, and is now Professor of History and Economics in Atlanta University, Georgia. The plan of the book was suggested by a Philadelphia Friend, interested for the advancement of the Colored People, Susan Parrish Wharton, and has been most intelligently carried out by Dr. DuBois, who has had the cordial support of the authorities of the University of Pennsylvania, under whose patronage the book appears.
This book, let me say in brief, is a most interesting study of the subject to which it relates. It presents a vast array of facts and statistics. Any one who cares to know something accurately about the situation of the colored people of the city of Philadelphia should make it a point to examine Dr. DuBois's volume.,M1 [Du Bois cited, pp. 80-81] [Article: Vol. 6, pp. 76-84]

The statistician, like the librarian, is also quick to create as well as to respond to the demand for information of a serious nature, and this has been shown in the growing recognition of the importance of domestic service as a field for statistical research. Among the most thorough of these statistical investigations is that carried on by Miss Isabel Eaton,—recently fellow of the College Settlements' Association,—in regard to negro domestic service in the seventh ward of Philadelphia.1 Miss Eaton has made an exhaustive study of one phase of the subject in a limited area, considering not only the number of negroes thus employed, but the methods of living, savings, and expenditures, amusements and recreations, length and quality of the service, conjugal condition, illiteracy, and health. The work has been done in a thoroughly scientific manner, and the results form an admirable presentation of negro service in a single ward of one city. [pp.13-14]
[Footnote 1, bottom of p.14:]
1 Isabel Eaton, "A Special Report on Domestic Service," in The Philadelphia Negro, by W. E. B. Du Bois. Publications of the University of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, 1899.
Robert Williams's Note 1 (Citation): Salmon, Lucy Maynard. Progress in the Household. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin and Company, 1906.
Note 2: "Negro" and "Negroes" are not capitalized in the original text.
[Salmon's book is also available at the Internet Archive: search results]


The trouble with the standard account of American sociology’s birth is that it happened not at the University of Chicago in the 1920s, but at the University of Pennsylvania in the 1890s; rather than being led by a group of classically influenced white men, it was directed by W. E. B. Du Bois, a German-trained African American with a Ph.D. from Harvard. His 1899 study, The Philadelphia Negro, anticipated in every way the program of theory and research that later became known as the Chicago School. Although not generally recognized as such, it represented the first true example of American social scientific research, preceding the work of Park and Burgess by at least two decades. Were it not for the short-sighted racism of Penn’s faculty and administration, which refused to acknowledge the presence -- let alone the accomplishments of a black man or to offer him a faculty appointment, the maturation of the discipline might have been advanced by two decades and be known to posterity as the Pennsylvania School of Sociology. Instead, Du Bois went on to a distinguished career as a public intellectual, activist, and journalist, and the University of Chicago, not the University of Pennsylvania, came to dominate the field.

In The Philadelphia Negro, Du Bois set out to provide a comprehensive analysis of Philadelphia's Seventh Ward, then the largest concentration of blacks in the city. He developed six interview and enumeration protocols. He rejected the reigning ideas in social science which would have faulted basic black capabilities for the impoverished condition of most blacks. Instead, he crafted a historically grounded portrait of blacks whose circumstances, by and large, had clear social or environmental roots. Although this is necessarily a compacted treatment, his analytical framework stressed the interplay of six factors: (1) a history of enslavement, servitude, and oppression; (2) demographic trends and compositional factors (for example, disproportion of women to men); (3) economic positioning and competition with free whites both native born and European immigrants; (4) racial prejudice and discrimination; (5) the resources, internal structure, dynamics, and leadership of the black community itself; and (6) moral agency and black self-determination. Of all these, the burden of slavery and the weak position of blacks in the economic structure were surely the primary factors in Du Bois's model. Du Bois was thus careful to not make prejudice the central or most important variable in his analysis. Yet the force of prejudice was ubiquitous and of unavoidable consequence in his analysis of the dynamics of race relations in Philadelphia. [pp.188-189]
Bobo concluded his essay as follows:
A century ago, Du Bois published The Philadelphia Negro, a work now recognized as a sociological classic. He developed a highly detailed portrait of black social life in Philadelphia. Part of the legacy of his analysis has lost the theoretical holism which linked structural issues of the economy and labor market dynamics to more social psychological and microsocial issues of prejudice and interpersonal discrimination. Sociology would do well to revisit the model Du Bois established. [p.198]

Amy Hillier described the project as well as Du Bois's techniques and context in her "W.E.B. Du Bois and the Social Survey Movement: Recreating Seminal Survey Work from Primary Sources", which was published as Ch. 6 in PhillydotMap: The Shape of Philadelphia [TOC] (University of Pennsylvania: Cartographic Modeling Lab [CML], October 2009.)

. . .Du Bois drew on the idea of heterogeneity, specifically within the urban context, to illustrate Black communities as complex and organized arrangements of a diverse though marginalized population. As Du Bois sought to show the Black community was diverse despite being otherwise thought of as homogeneous. Using the examples of Philadelphia Negroes, Du Bois demonstrated that the Black community is comprised of varying arrangements of diverse though equally racialized constituents and practices.
In the concluding section, "Black Heterogeneity Matters", Hunter writes: In so doing, Du Bois's analysis points to an idea of Black heterogeneity—the varied distinctions, perspectives, and peoples that constitute the Black community; thus Du Boisian heterogeneity theorizes the concept as imbued with a consequential mix of racial tensions and intraracial distinctions. Such factors give rise to complex civil racialized societies that are compelled to live alongside one another within and across urban America.
This article demonstrates that the various frameworks for class, politics, and religion emergent in Du Bois's The Philadelphia Negro rely heavily on the notion of heterogeneity to provide new sociological knowledge. Du Bois's use of heterogeneity demonstrates the importance and influence of the economic and political regimes of cities, religious diversity, and variations in social class while also affirming and asserting the importance of race, history, and Black agency. Furthermore, Du Bois demonstrates that issues of access rely on the sociologist's understanding and use of heterogeneity to analyze and refer to research subjects such as the "Philadelphia Negro."
[Defunct URL:]

The Japanese Journal of American Studies, Vol. 14 (2003): 105-122. Kaneko examines The Philadelphia Negro and other DuBoisian works (e.g. The Souls of Black Folk and Darkwater), as well as the Niagara Movement. Kaneko wishes to
address the question of what racial and class relations DuBois's apparently pro-feminist discourse constructed. To answer ... the question requires us to regard masculinity as not fixed but fluid and constructed in relation to representations of woman, and to analyze how DuBois positioned his own elite black male agency through pro-feminist discursive practices.
[Note: This is a large PDF file of about 8 megabytes]
[The essay converted to HTML by Google]

The authors sketch a far-reaching overview of the scholarly study of leisure using primarily studies written in English or translated into English. They discuss the significance of Thorsten Veblen, Robert Parks, Jane Addams, and Charles S. Johnson, among others, on the field of leisure studies. The authors indicate that The Philadelphia Negro seems to be the first study of leisure activities of African Americans and also offers guidance on how to conduct research. Du Bois emphasized mixed methods, including
• door-to-door surveys seeking data as well as details about lived experiences;
• historical perspective via documents; and
• statistics derived from census data.
Du Bois, the authors indicate, also discussions the limitation of his methods. The authors argue that TPN should be a foundational text in leisure studies.

As Serrano argues, Du Bois's project can inform community-based research (CBR). Although not using all of the practices CBR—Du Bois did not incorporate members of the community as part of the project—Serrano holds that the book provides insights into the various methodological dimensions of community-based research, as well as offers lessons on the institutional conditions that constrain such research. Du Bois employed a variety of methodological practices in The Philadelphia Negro, including participant observation, surveys, interviews, census data analysis, and historical studies. Serrano strongly suggests that book should be included in courses on the history of sociology, and in courses on methodology.

[W]hat are some of the lasting sociological contributions associated with this pioneering empirical study of urban life? In his classic 1938 study, "Urbanism as a Way of Life," Wirth identified size, density and heterogeneity as three fundamental identifying characteristics of urban society. While Du Bois did not directly address density issues in The Philadelphia Negro, he did investigate the size and the heterogeneous nature of Philadelphia's African American community. Distinct social classes within the Seventh Ward were specified, and Du Bois particularly addressed the circumstances of the "submerged tenth," a group comprised of the urban poor and criminal classes. This group appears to foreshadow Wilson's (1996; 1987) discussions of an urban "underclass" (Bobo, 2007).
Du Bois also identified and evaluated additional structural factors impacting African American quality of life in urban settings, like organizational support networks, family structure, living conditions, and racial discrimination. However, rather than taking a "system-blame" or "culture-blame" approach to the study of social problems, Du Bois focused on the interaction between structural inequality and "social uplift." These social forces were perceived as being complimentary rather than mutually exclusive.[. . . .] Methodological triangulation is utilized to provide a comprehensive analysis of life in Philadelphia's Seventh Ward just before the turn of the nineteenth century. Census data, a survey of the Seventh Ward and ethnographic description were combined in this inductive study of a particular social group in a specific social environment.
Within this seminal study, the reader encounters early formulations of the theory of ethnic succession, the role of economic enclaves in minority communities, a functional analysis of the Black Church and an awareness of the inverse association between mortality and social class. The Philadelphia Negro also provided a case study for demonstrating how quantitative and qualitative data analysis can be employed as complimentary research approaches.
Du Bois also identified and evaluated additional structural factors impacting African American quality of life in urban settings, like organizational support networks, family structure, living conditions, and racial discrimination. However, rather than taking a "system-blame" or "culture-blame" approach to the study of social problems, Du Bois focused on the interaction between structural inequality and "social uplift." These social forces were perceived as being complimentary rather than mutually exclusive.
Within this seminal study, the reader encounters early formulations of the theory of ethnic succession, the role of economic enclaves in minority communities, a functional analysis of the Black Church and an awareness of the inverse association between mortality and social class. The Philadelphia Negro also provided a case study for demonstrating how quantitative and qualitative data analysis can be employed as complimentary research approaches.
Robert Williams' Note 1: An Internet search for Louis Wirth's "Urbanism as a Way of Life" (American Journal of Sociology, 44:1 (July 1938): 1-24) may yield (un)expected dividends: e.g., via Google.
Note 2: Citations to Wilson and Bobo, as referenced in the text, are:
* Bobo, Lawrence. 2007. "Introduction." In The Philadelphia Negro, by W.E.B. Du Bois, xxv-xxx. New York: Oxford University Press.
* Wilson, William Julius. 1987. The Truly Disadvantaged: The Inner City, the Underclass, and Public Policy. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
* Wilson, William Julius. 1996. When Work Disappears. New York: Knopf.
Note 2: Citations to Wilson and Bobo, as referenced in the text, are:
* Bobo, Lawrence. 2007. "Introduction." In The Philadelphia Negro, by W.E.B. Du Bois, xxv-xxx. New York: Oxford University Press.
* Wilson, William Julius. 1987. The Truly Disadvantaged: The Inner City, the Underclass, and Public Policy. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
* Wilson, William Julius. 1996. When Work Disappears. New York: Knopf.


Note 1: Within the text and in the footnotes DuBois cited ASI by the year 1848 (ex., pp. 200, 287, 304). In TPN's bibliography he specified the correct year of publication as 1849 (p. 421). Also notice that the book title spelled "Colour" so and not, as DuBois did, "Color".
Note 2: The following list presents the places in TPN where DuBois cited ASI; the list is extensive but not necessarily complete.
Note 2: The following list presents the places in TPN where DuBois cited ASI; the list is extensive but not necessarily complete.
TPN: p. 56 (sec. 13) :: ASI: p. 5
TPN: p. 80 (sec. 18) :: ASI: p. 10
TPN: pp. 142, 143 (sec. 24) :: ASI: pp. 17, 18
TPN: p. 180 (sec. 29) :: ASI: p. 12
TPN: p. 200 (sec. 32) :: ASI: pp. 29, 30
TPN: pp. 287-8 (sec. 44) :: ASI: p. 16
TPN: pp. 302-3 (sec. 45) :: ASI: pp. 32-33
TPN: pp. 303-4 (sec. 45) :: ASI: pp. 34-41
TPN: p. 80 (sec. 18) :: ASI: p. 10
TPN: pp. 142, 143 (sec. 24) :: ASI: pp. 17, 18
TPN: p. 180 (sec. 29) :: ASI: p. 12
TPN: p. 200 (sec. 32) :: ASI: pp. 29, 30
TPN: pp. 287-8 (sec. 44) :: ASI: p. 16
TPN: pp. 302-3 (sec. 45) :: ASI: pp. 32-33
TPN: pp. 303-4 (sec. 45) :: ASI: pp. 34-41 [Bibliographic Information page]

Prior to her research on African American domestic workers for The Philadelphia Negro Isabel Eaton had studied urban workers. In this particular article Eaton documents the conditions under which workers in Chicago and New York labored in various types of clothing factories, examining daily and piece-work wages and the long hours of labor as well as unsafe working conditions -- many in places she called "sweat shops". She interviewed union leaders, toured factories, and used government reports. Eaton examined the average expenditures on rent, clothing, and food. She noted the large numbers of garment workers who were in debt (pp. 168, 176) and the recent increases in the average living costs calculated as a percentage of average wages (p. 142). Eaton concluded that the workers in the New York and Chicago garment trades were "suffering chiefly two evils: first, high rents paid for unsanitary houses; second, low wages for too long a day's work." (p. 178). It can also be observed that she did not focus on the race of the workers she studied for this article.
[Note: a few data tables may be unclear]
[Other scanned versions: Alternate A; Alternate B]

* Wright, Richard R. 1907a. "The Negroes of Philadelphia," Part I. African Methodist Episcopal Church Review, 24:1 (July): 20-35.
* Wright, Richard R. 1907b. "The Negroes of Philadelphia," Part II. African Methodist Episcopal Church Review, 24:2 (October): 136-147. [Download page]
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