Education |
1993 |
Ph.D. received in Political Science from Rutgers
University, New Brunswick, NJ. Dissertation:
Atomic-Powered Democracy: Policy Against Politics in the
Quest for American Nuclear Energy. |
1981 |
B.A. received in Political Science and in History,
Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU), Richmond, VA. Graduated Magna Cum Laude, and with Honors in History. |
Teaching Positions Held |
2004– |
Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Bennett College, Greensboro, NC. |
'93-2004 |
Department of Political Science and History, Livingstone College, Salisbury, NC. |
Teaching Experience (Courses Taught) |
• Political theory (U.S., African American, and Western political theories; philosophy of social science) |
• American government (national government; state and local government; politics of race, gender, and class) |
• International politics (globalization; global environmental issues; political economy) |
• Comparative politics (theories of the state)
• Political geography |
Awards and Achievements |
2009 |
Recipient of Bennett College's Board of Trustees Faculty Teaching Excellence Award. May. |
2006-9 |
Co-Recipient of a Faculty Research Fellowship Program grant awarded by Bennett College. |
1998 |
Participant in the 1998 Fulbright-Hays Summer Seminar Abroad Program, "Overcoming the Past and Meeting the Challenges of the Future in South Africa." Sponsored by the US Department of Education, Center for International Education, and arranged and administered by the African-American Institute (Washington, DC and Johannesburg, South Africa). |
1982-86 |
Recipient of a Departmental Fellowship, Department of Political Science, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ. |
Research Interests |
• Political theory (W.E.B. Du Bois; African American, U.S., and Western political thought; theories of democracy; cyberpolitics) |
• Spatiality of politics (race and space; night spaces; public space) |
• Digital humanities (software-assisted interpretation; coding; curating) |
• Environmental policies (environmental justice; civilian nuclear energy) |
• Creation and maintenance of <WEBDuBois.org>, a links site to Internet-accessible sources written by and about W.E.B. Du Bois |
• Creation and development of <NightSpaces.org>, a web site exploring the political-geographical concept and theory of night spaces |
Journal Publications (Peer-Reviewed) |
2021 |
"Confronting the Pseudo-Science of Race: W.E.B. Du Bois's Letter to Waights Gibbs Henry, 1916." Academia Letters (August). Accessible online. |
2019 |
"M.L. King's Abiding Tribute to W.E.B. Du Bois: Research, Activism, and the Unknowable." Phylon, 56:1 (Summer): 134-155. |
2014 |
"Embracing Philosophy: On Du Bois's 'The Individual and Social Conscience'." Phylon, 51:1 (Fall): 42-56. |
2012 |
[With a W.E.B. Du Bois Primary Source]. "'The Sacred Unity in All the Diversity': The Text and a Thematic Analysis of W.E.B. Du Bois's 'The Individual and Social Conscience' (1905)." Journal of African American Studies, 16:3 (September): 456-497. Initially published via "Online First" (SpringerLink), March 2011. [Author's Final Draft manuscript: PDF file (~379K)].
2010 |
"Politics, Rights, and Spatiality in W.E.B. Du Bois's 'Address to the Country' (1906)". Journal of African American Studies, 14:3 (September): 337-358.
Initially published via "Online First" (SpringerLink), August 2009. |
2009 |
"Paradoxes of the South in W.E.B. Du Bois's The Souls of Black Folk." Mississippi Quarterly, 62:1-2 (Winter-Spring): 71-94.
2008 |
"Night Spaces: Darkness, Deterritorialization, and Social Control." Space and Culture, 11:4 (November): 514-532. [Abstract; Issue TOC].
2006-7 |
"Political Legitimacy and the Dynamics of Anti-Nuclear Protest in America." Online at EnterText, 6:3 (Winter) [PDF].
2006 |
"Democracy, Cyberspace, and the Body." Online at Cultural Logic, Vol. 9. |
2006 |
"The Early Social Science of W.E.B. Du Bois." Du Bois Review: Social Science Research on Race, 3:2 (September): 365-394.
[Download: PDF ~190 K]
[Abstract; Issue TOC]
* Reprinted in Reiland Rabaka (Ed.), W.E.B. Du Bois. Series: The International Library of Essays in Classical Sociology. Surrey, U.K.: Ashgate Publishing, 2010. [web page].
2005 |
"W.E.B. Du Bois and His Social-Scientific Research: A Review of Online Texts." Online at Sociation Today, 3:2 (Fall). [Journal of the North Carolina Sociological Association].
2005 |
"Getting to the Heart of Environmental Injustice: Social Science and Its Boundaries." Online at Theory & Science, 6:1 (Summer).
2005 |
"Politics and Self in the Age of Digital Re(pro)ducibility." Online at Fast Capitalism, 1:1.
2004 |
"W.E.B. Du Bois and the Socio-Political Structures of Education." The Negro Educational Review, 55:1 (January): 9-26. [Draft version]
2003 |
"Terrorism, Anti-Terrorism, and the Normative Boundaries of the U.S. Polity: The Spatiality of Politics after 11 September 2001." Space and Polity, 7:3 (December): 273-292.
1999 |
"The Contested Terrain of Environmental Justice Research: Community as a Unit of Analysis." Social Science Journal, 36:2: 313-328.
1999 |
"Environmental Injustice in America and Its Politics of Scale." Political Geography, 18:1 (January): 49-74. |
1998 |
"Hegemony and Resistance: Toward a Research Agenda for Cultural Politics." Midsouth Political Science Review, vol. 2; pp. 73-93.
1997 |
"Intergovernmental Conflict Over Emergency Planning: The Politics of the Shoreham Nuclear Power Plant." Polity, 30:2 (Winter): 285-314.
Book Chapters & Invited Publications |
2019 |
"The Digital Legacy of W.E.B. Du Bois in the Internet Age." Pp.267-294 in Citizen of the World: The Late Career and Legacy of W.E.B. Du Bois, ed. by Phillip Luke Sinitiere. Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press. |
2018 |
"A Democracy of Differences: Knowledge and the Unknowable in Du Bois's Theory of Democratic Governance." Pp.181-203 in A Political Companion to W.E.B. Du Bois, ed. by Nick Bromell. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky. |
2018 |
"Of Knowledge and Social Critique: W.E.B. Du Bois's Metaphor of the Tower." Pp.111-131 in W.E.B. Du Bois and the Africana Rhetoric of Dealienation, ed. by Monique Leslie Akassi. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. |
2014 |
"W. E. B. Du Bois and Positive Propaganda: A Philosophical Prelude to His Editorship of The Crisis." Pp.16-27 in Amy Helene Kirschke & Phillip Luke Sinitiere (Eds.), Protest and Propaganda: W. E. B. Du Bois, the Crisis, and American History (Columbia: University of Missouri Press). |
2010 |
"Night Spaces". Pp.566-568 in E. Ray Hutchison (Ed.), The Encyclopedia of Urban Studies, Vol. 2 (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications) [Web page].
Note: This encyclopedia entry is also available on my NightSpaces.org website as The Concept and Theory of Night Spaces.
2009 |
"Atlanta University School of Sociological Research". Pp. 37-40 in Helen Taylor Greene & Shaun L. Gabbidon (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Race and Crime (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications) [Web page]. |
Work in Progress |
• Book project on W.E.B. Du Bois's concept of unknowability and its significance for research, activism, and politics.
Professional Presentations |
2022 |
"Conceptual_analysis(concordancer(regex(corpus))) // A case study", a poster created for the online Conference and Colloquium of the Digital Humanities Summer Institute 2022, 10 June 2022. [Online] |
2021 |
"Reading at a Distance, But Much Closer: A Study in Humanities Concordancing" was presented at the 2021 Making of the Humanities–IX Virtual Conference on 20 September 2021. [Online] |
2021 |
"One Challenge, Not Two Problems: Regular Expressions for Researching a Single-Author Corpus" was presented at the 2021 Japanese Association for Digital Humanities Virtual Conference on 7 September 2021. [Online] |
2021 |
"W.E.B. Du Bois on Democracy and Its Companion Ideas: Concordancing Their Intricacies" was presented at the 2021 NCPSA/NCPAA Annual Conference (Virtual) on 26 February 2021. [Online] |
2018 |
"Du Bois's Pragmatism: William James and Beyond" was presented at the "Scholarship Above the Veil: A Sesquicentennial Symposium Honoring W.E.B. Du Bois, 1868-2018", Harvard University, on 27 October 2018. [Online] |
2018 |
"Algorithmic Displacement and the Black Atlantic: Retextualizing the 'Souls' Essay by W.E.B. Du Bois" was presented at the 2018 African American Digital Humanities Conference, University of Maryland, College Park, on 20 October 2018. [Online] |
2018 |
"Du Bois's Jamesian Pragmatism: Chance, Science, and Social Critique" was presented at the 2018 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association in Boston on 31 August 2018. [Online] |
2018 |
"King's Abiding Tribute to Du Bois: Research, Activism, and the Unknowable." Paper presented at the Symposium on Race and Economic Inequality on the Anniversaries of the Birth of W.E.B. Du Bois and the Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr., Clark Atlanta University. 23 February 2018. [Online] |
2017 |
"W.E.B. Du Bois at the Horizon of History and Sociology." Paper presented at the Second Annual Conference of the African American Intellectual History Society, Vanderbilt University. 24 March 2017.
[Online] |
2016 |
"The Intertextuality of Du Bois's Idea of Humanity: A Collation Analysis." Paper presented at the 30th Symposium on African American Culture and Philosophy — "Exploring the 'Humanity' in the Digital Humanities" — which was hosted by the African American Studies and Research Center, Purdue University. 2 December 2016. [Online] |
2016 |
Presenter at the session "Author Meets Critics: The First American School of Sociology: W.E.B. Du Bois and the Atlanta Sociological Laboratory by Earl Wright II" convened at the Southern Sociological Society Annual Meeting, Atlanta. 14 April 2016. |
2016 |
"W.E.B. Du Bois on Scientific Knowledge and Its Limits." Paper presented at the Symposium Celebrating the 120th Anniversary of the Atlanta Sociological Laboratory and the Work of W.E.B. Du Bois, Clark Atlanta University. 25 February 2016. [Online] |
2013 |
"Embracing Philosophy: On Du Bois's 'The Individual and Social Conscience.'" Paper presented at W.E.B. Du Bois and the Wings of Atlanta: A 50th Anniversary Commemorative Conference, Clark Atlanta University. 20 February 2013. [Online] [CAU Website] |
2009 |
"W.E.B. Du Bois on Heroism and the Talented Tenth." Paper presented at the 2009 Southern Conference on African American Studies, Charlotte, NC. 12 February. [SCAASI] |
2008 |
"Problematizing Reality: Zora Neale Hurston and Their Eyes Were Watching God." Paper presented at the 5th Annual Africana Women's Studies / Womanist Religious Studies Summit, Bennett College. 4 April. |
2006 |
"Politics, Rights, and Spatiality in W.E.B. Du Bois' 1906 'Address to the Country'". Presented at "The Niagara Movement and the Dawning of 20th Century Civil Rights, 1906-2006", a symposium sponsored by the Harpers Ferry National Historical Park and the Harpers Ferry Historical Association. August. |
2005 |
"The Role of Marginality in the Social Science of W.E.B. Du Bois." Paper presented at the 2005 Southern Conference on African American Studies, Montgomery, AL. February. [SCAASI] |
2002 |
"Night as Dis/Order: Imagination contra Social
Rationality." Paper presented at the Fourth Annual Blue
Ridge International Conference on the Humanities & Arts,
Appalachian State University, NC. April. |
2002 |
"Terrorism, Anti-Terrorism, and the Normative Boundaries
of the U.S. Polity." Paper presented at the NC Political
Science Association Annual Meeting, Catawba College,
Salisbury, NC. April. |
2002 |
"Political Philosophy and Geographical Imagination."
Paper presented at the 98th Annual Meeting of the
Association of American Geographers, Los Angeles. March.
2001 |
"Cyberspace and (Dis)Embodiment." Paper presented at
the Third Annual Blue Ridge International Conference on the
Humanities and Arts, Appalachian State University, Boone, NC.
April. |
2001 |
"Night Spaces: Darkness and Power." Paper presented
at the 97th Annual Meeting of the Association of American
Geographers, New York City. March. |
2000 |
"Politics Disembodied: The Internet and Democracy."
Paper presented online at a conference on the "Internet,
Democracy and Public Goods" sponsored by the Centro de
Virtual Estudios Politicas, Universidade Federal de Minas
Gerais, Brazil. November. |
2000 |
"The Culture Industry in a Time of Accelerated
Globalization." Paper presented at the Second Annual
Blue Ridge International Conference on the Humanities and the
Arts, Boone, NC. April. |
1998 |
"Monuments and Public Space in South Africa."
Presentation at the Fall Conferences of SERSAS,
the Southeastern Regional Seminar on African Studies,
Charlottesville, VA. October. |
1998 |
"A Critical-Theoretic Approach to Environmental Inequity."
Paper presented at the 94th Annual Meeting of the Association of American
Geographers, Boston, MA. March. |
1997 |
"The Politics of Scale: Environmental Inequity in
America." Paper presented at the 93rd Annual Meeting of
the Association of American
Geographers, Fort Worth, TX. April. |
1996 |
"American Attitudes toward Hispanic Immigrants: An
Exploratory Study." Paper presented at the 43rd Annual
Conference of the South Eastern Council on Latin American
Studies (SECOLAS 1996), Coral Gables, FL. April.
1996 |
"Community: The Contested Analytical Unit of Environmental
Justice Research." Paper presented at the 92nd Annual
Meeting of the Association of
American Geographers, Charlotte, NC.
April. |
1995 |
"The Land of Opportunity Is Now Closed: 'Defending'
America from Foreign Influence." Paper presented at the
XIX International Congress of the Latin American Studies
Association (LASA 1995), Washington, D.C. September.
1995 |
"International Trade, National Cultures: Forces of
Hegemony and Dissent." Paper presented at the 42nd
Annual Conference of the South Eastern Council on Latin
American Studies (SECOLAS 1995), Chapel Hill, NC.
March. |
1994 |
"Western Roles in an Interdependent World."
Presentation at the conference, "A World of
Transitions," sponsored by the Center for International
Studies of Duke University, and the Triangle Universities
Security Seminar, Durham, NC. June. |
1992 |
"What's Behind Yucca Mountain? The High-Level
Politics of Nuclear Waste." Paper presented at the 1992
Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association,
Chicago, IL. September. |
1991 |
"Streamlined Regulation, Sidelined Democracy: The Case of
U.S. Nuclear Licensing Reform." Paper presented at the
1991 Annual Meeting of the Northeastern
Political Science Association, Philadelphia, PA.
November. |
1991 |
"Atomic-Powered Democracy? Intergovernmental Conflicts
Over U.S. Nuclear Energy." Paper presented at the 1991
Annual Meeting of the Southern Political Science Association,
Tampa, FL. November. |
1990 |
"Labyrinth and Leviathan: Politics Versus the State in the
Quest for American Nuclear Energy." Paper presented at
the 1990 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science
Association, San Francisco, CA. September. |
1990 |
"'Crisis? What Legitimation Crisis?' Policy,
Protest, and American Nuclear Energy." Paper presented
at the 1990 Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Political
Science Association, Fort Worth, TX. March. |
1989 |
"Politics, 'Anti-Politics' and Nuclear Energy: Legitimacy
and the Structure of Anti-Nuclear Protest in America."
Paper presented at the 1989 Annual Meeting of American
Political Science Association, Atlanta, GA.
September. |
Invited Lectures & Talks |
2019 |
"Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Du Bois." Talk and participation in a Political Science course, "Civil Rights Empowerment," at Bennett College. 21 February. |
2015 |
"W.E.B. Du Bois and the Paradox of Democracy." Talk delivered as part of the Faculty Lecture Series at Bennett College. 22 January. [Presentation online] |
2014 |
"The Niagara Movement, 1905-1910: Its Significance for Political Theory." Presentation on a Panel Discussion, "Civil Rights in America: Different Perspectives," at Bennett College. 25 February. |
2010 |
"Du Bois on the Souls of Black and White Folk." Commentary and participation in an English Honors class discussion at Bennett College. 9 February. |
2009 |
Participant at a roundtable discussion, "The Obama Factor: What Now?", at the 2009 Southern Conference on African American Studies, Charlotte, NC. 12 February. [SCAASI] |
2008 |
"W.E.B. Du Bois and The Souls of Black Folk." Commentary and discussion as part of an English Honors class at Bennett College. 25 September and 7 October. |
2008 |
"W.E.B. Du Bois and Zora Neale Hurston on the Craft of Writing." Talk delivered as part of the Faculty Lecture Series at Bennett College. 19 February. |
2007 |
"The Genres of W.E.B. Du Bois." Lecture and discussion in an Advanced Composition class, an English course, at Bennett College. April. |
2006 |
"Survey Research and W.E.B. Du Bois' The Philadelphia Negro." Lecture in a Research Methods and Design class at Bennett College. October. |
2005 |
"African Americans and 19th Century Social Science."
Lecture in a Social Theory class at Bennett College.
April. |
2005 |
"The Social Science of W.E.B. Du Bois." Talk at a faculty
gathering of the Division of Social Sciences and Education,
Bennett College. April. |
2005 |
"Existentialism and Existential Psychology." Lecture in a
History and Systems of Psychology course at Fayetteville State
University. February. |
2004 |
"Conducting Research in the Republic of South Africa."
Lecture for the Psychology Club of Livingstone College.
April. |
2003 |
"John F. Kennedy: Politics and Policy Forty Years Later."
Lecture at Livingstone College's Andrew Carnegie Library
during a commemoration of J.F.K. November. |
2003 |
"Reexamining Existentialism." Lecture at a Livingstone
College class session on Existential Psychology. October. |
2003 |
"Gandhi, King, and Non-Violent Civil Disobedience."
Lecture at a Livingstone College seminar on Conflict
Resolution. April. |
2002 |
"Existentialism: An Introduction." Lecture at a
Livingstone College class on the History and Systems of
Psychology. November. |
2002 |
"Marxist Analysis and Literary Theory" and "The Frankfurt
School and the Culture Industry Revisited." Lectures at a
Livingstone College seminar on Literary Theory. March,
April. |
1999 |
"Rousseau and the Historical Context of the Romantic
Tradition." Lecture at a Livingstone College seminar on the
Romantic Tradition in Literature. October. |
1996 |
Scholar/Facilitator for the "Choices for the 21st Century"
Program, a four-week public policy discussion series held at
the Rowan County Public Library (NC). Sponsored by the Watson
Institute for International Studies, Brown University and by
the Center for the Book, State Library of North Carolina, with
major funding from the National Endowment for the Humanities.
October. |
College Service |
2004–21 |
Committee participation at Bennett College, including the Honors College Advisory Council; Tenure and Promotion Committee; Faculty Senate; Division Welfare Committee; General Education Curriculum Committee; and Scholarship Committee. |
'93-2004 |
Committee participation at Livingstone College, including
the Library Committee; Computer Literacy Committee; Technology
Team; Faculty Grievance Committee; and Curriculum and Catalog
Committee. |
Computer and Internet Skills |
• Tutoring in the use of the Internet for academic research |
• World Wide Web site development (HTML; CSS; Javascript)
• Training and troubleshooting Windows-based software (spreadsheets; word processing; utilities)