This page contains links to the internal pages within the web site.

Robert W. Williams, Ph.D.
About Page [Links to info relevant to W.E.B. Du Bois and his life]
Research Page [Links to full texts contained at]
Du Bois' Works, many with annotations by R.W.:

Races" (
The Crisis, August 1911)

Apologia" (1954: Written for the reprint of
The Suppression of the African Slave-Trade)
Works by Other Authors:

Review of DuBois's
Suppression of the African
Slave-Trade (
The Nation, 1896)
Sources Page [URLs to W.E.B. DuBois' primary texts]
Separate web pages with material related to a particular Du Bois text:
Robert Williams' Biographical Sketch Page [Who I am, in brief]
Draft version of my paper "W.E.B. Du Bois and the Socio-Political Structures of Education", which was published in
The Negro Educational Review, 55:1 (January 2004): 9-26.

'The Sacred Unity in All the Diversity': The Text and a Thematic Analysis of W.E.B. Du Bois's 'The Individual and Social Conscience' (1905)" by R.W. Williams & W.E.B. Du Bois [PDF: ~379K] is a revised draft version of an article that has been published by the
Journal of African American Studies in September 2012 . This revised draft version is available as per the copyright agreement with Springer, the publisher of the
Journal of African American Studies, and reflects the changes made as a result of the peer-review process. The article's
abstract is also available.
Robert Williams' Lectures and Presentations

W.E.B. Du Bois on Scientific Knowledge and Its Limits", as I entitled my hypertext, web-based presentation, was given at the "Symposium Celebrating the 120th Anniversary of the Atlanta Sociological Laboratory and the Work of W.E.B. Du Bois". The symposium was convened at Clark Atlanta University on 25 February 2016.

The Intertextuality of Du Bois's Idea of Humanity: A Collation Analysis" was a presentation created for the 30th Symposium on African American Culture and Philosophy, 2016. The African American Studies and Research Center at Purdue University hosted this symposium on
1-3 December 2016. The theme of the symposium was "Exploring the 'Humanity' in the Digital Humanities".

"The Taney Theme in Du Bois's Political Rhetoric: Researching Textual Patterns as a Digital Political Theorist"
Project Paper: ~5.1 MB PDF
Project Summary: ~2.5 MB PDF
Virtual presentation at the Southern Political Science Association 2023 Summer Virtual Conference on 16 June 2023.